Smoothbeam Laser

Oil gland removal, acne, wrinkles

The Smoothbeam 1450nm diode laser is one of the first devices developed and marketed specifically to address the root cause of acne - the sebaceous gland. It provides a safe and effective way to reduce or eradicate facial, neck, and back acne by targeting acne at the level of the sebaceous glands. The Smoothbeam laser can also be used to soften depressed acne scars and fine lines and wrinkles around the mouth or eyes.

Acne and acne scars before treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
Acne and acne scars
pre treatment
Acne and acne scars after treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
Post treatment

Syringomas under eye before treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
Syringomas under eye
pre treatment
Syringomas under eye after treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
Post treatment


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