Photodynamic Therapy with BLU-U

Acne and precancerous lesions (AK's)

For acne:

The BLU-U Blue Light Photodynamic Therapy Illuminator is a noninvasive and pain-free blue light used to treat mild and moderate inflammatory acne vulgaris. This narrow band blue light causes a photodynamic effect within the oil glands (pilosebaceous units) that kills P. acnes, the primary bacteria responsible for acne.

The 417nm blue light activates photosensitizers within the P. acnes that creates a toxic environment within the sebaceous gland that inhibits the obstruction of the sebaceous follicle and therefore the formation of acne lesions. Treatment is performed weekly or biweekly for 5-10 sessions depending upon the severity of the acne. Maintenance treatments may also be performed after the initial series for maximum benefit. This treatment offers a simple, non-invasive option for patients with acne either as a stand-alone treatment or can be used in conjunction with other adjunctive skin care regimens.

acne before treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
Pre treatment for acne
acne after treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
After treatment

For precancerous lesions/skin cancers:

The BLU-U device can be used to treat precancerous lesions, like actinic keratoses (AK's), and some superficial skin cancers, in conjunction with the topical application of a Levulan kerastick. This treatment, known as Photodynamic Therapy, can address not only medical concerns such as the precancerous ot cancerous lesions, but may also improve the texture, tone and color of the skin as well. Often these treatments are combined with either IPL or Vbeam laser treatments to further enhance the final cosmetic appearance of the skin.

precancerous AK's before treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
Pre treatment for
precancerous AK's
precancerous AK's after treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
After treatment

High Power Pixel Laser

Fractionated laser skin resurfacing

The High Power Pixel 2940 skin resurfacing laser gradually stimulates new cells to replace aged and photodamaged skin with little downtime and virtually pain-free treatment sessions. Most patients undergo two to four treatment sessions at regular intervals for a dramatic reduction in sun damaged and prematurely aged skin.

The gentleness of this procedure allows delicate areas such as the neck, chest and hands to be treated as safely as the face with little risk of adverse effects. There is minimal downtime with this procedure and there is almost no discomfort and no analgesia may be necessary.

acne before treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
Pre treatment for acne
scarring and texture
acne after treatment - San Diego Dermatology and Laser Surgery
After treatment


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