Posts Tagged ‘collagen’

Plump Up Your Pout With Dermal Filler

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2012

Lacking in the lip department?  Dermal fillers, such as Restylane, can help give you the pouty look you want for up to 6 months for the average patient.  Nervous about injections into the lips?  The FDA recently expanded the use of Restylane and it now is officially indicated for lip augmentation (in patients over 21).  What exactly is Restylane?  Restylane is hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occuring compound in the body.  It is not from an animal source like it’s predecessor collagen, so it is very well tolerated and you see the results instantly!

Before treatment with Restylane

Before treatment with Restylane

After treatment with Restylane for lip augmentation

After treatment with Restylane for lip augmentation

Read more about Restylane by following the link to our website: Dermal Filler

Skin Tightening and Lifting With Ultherapy

Wednesday, October 5th, 2011

Introducing Ulthera, the first and ONLY device approved by the FDA to tighten and lift lax skin.  Call our office today to learn more!

Before Ulthera


After one treatment with Ulthera

After one Ultherapy treatment



After one treatment with Ulthera

After one Ultherapy treatment



After one treatment with Ulthera

After one Ultherapy treatment

For the first time ever, “Ultherapy” allows us to direct sound waves deep under the skin to the tissue that would otherwise need to be addressed in surgery. The tissue heats up, resulting in lifted, tighter skin without disrupting the skin’s surface. The Ulthera also promotes the creation of new collagen, which helps the skin maintain its youthfulness.

Learn more about Ultherapy. Contact us today and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

New Treament Option for Skin Tightening

Monday, March 7th, 2011

Jowls… it’s not a pretty word.  The word may even conjur up images of Droppy the cartoon dog, and so many people are bothered by them.  So what can you do? 

 Well, there’s surgery, but thats so invasive and many people aren’t ready or willing to go under the knife.   Luckily, there are non-invasive ways to address lax skin, namely NIR technology, which is virtually pain free.  NIR, also known as near infrared, is a safe technology that heats the tissue under the surface of the skin to stimulate new collagen formation resulting in skin tightening

While NIR will not give you the dramatic results of surgery, it is very effective in reducing the apperance of lax skin allowing patients to postpone, or in some cases, forego the operating room.

Photo courtesy of Alma Laser

Photo courtesy of Alma Laser