Case report:treating photodamaged skin

September 2nd, 2009


      42 year old white female came to the office complaining of sun damaged skin on her chest.  Pt has had numerous sunburns in the past on her chest and rarely wears sunscreen in this area. She has not had any previous treatments on her chest.
      I treated the patient with a fractionated laser device as well as the alexandrite laser for individual brown spots and a pulsed dye laser (Vbeam) for background redness and telangiectasias “broken blood vessels”.  The patient underwent two treatment sessions about a month apart utilizing all 3 lasers at each visit.  She had an excellent result and now maintains her appearance through the use of topical anti-aging products (Remedy by Derm SD) and daily sunscreen.  
      The patient was very pleased with her result.
      To learn more about any of the above listed lasers, please follow the link: Laser information


Full body exams vital in detection of melanoma

August 25th, 2009

A new study published in the Archives of Dermatology found that most melanomas diagnosed were found as a result of a full body exam initiated by the doctor.   The study consisted of 126 patients attending a private dermatology practice in Florida.

“Overall, 56.3 percent (n=71) of the melanomas were detected by the examining dermatologist whilst doing a FBSE and were secondary to the presenting complaint.”

The authors of the study determined that “a greater number of the physician-detected melanomas were in situ and therefore at an earlier and more treatable stage.”

To read the full study please click on the link below:  contact-us

Archives of Dermatology

Don’t forget to schedule your yearly skin check !

Q & A with Jason R. Lupton, MD

August 21st, 2009

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Q & A with Jason R. Lupton, MD

What you need to know about Radiesse®

August 17th, 2009

Radiesse® is the ONLY dermal filler that has received FDA approval to mix with lidocaine anesthetic, which means a more pleasant experience for the patient.  This mixing method was first described in the Journal of Dermatologic Surgery (June 2008), where researchers found in a 50 patient trial that mixing lidocaine with Radiesse, versus Radiesse alone, was found to be much less painful in 100% of patients.  Radiesse® can be used to diminish the appearance of lines on the face, and it’s also effective in giving your cheeks definition and rejuvenating hands.  Follow this link to our cosmetic dermatology page to see before and after pictures and to learn more:  Soft Tissue Fillers Information

Beauty doesn’t have to be painful- ask about Radiesse®!

radiesse logo

To learn more about Radiesse, please click on the logo above.

August is Psoriasis Awareness Month

August 13th, 2009

Sponsored by the National Psoriasis Foundation, this  awareness is dedicated to educating the public and raising awareness about this disease.

*Psoriasis is the most common autoimmune disease in the United States (7.5 million cases)

*Patients with psoriasis frequently have other health issues (diabetes, hypertension, depression, etc.)

*30% of psoriasis patients may also develop psoriatic arthritis

To learn more about psoriasis, please visit the National Psoriasis Foundation website


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