Archive for the ‘Healthy Skin’ Category

Add Some Kick to Your Skin Care Regimen

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

We are proud to offer our patients affordable, effective skin care products, and we are pleased to introduce some great new additions:

Derm SD Deep Cleanse-  Deep Cleanse is great for oily and acne prone skin.  It’s tough enough to fight oil, yet gentle enough to remove eye makeup.  This facial cleanser is great for our acneic patients.

Derm SD Rejuvenate-  Rejuvenate is our all natural skin restoration serum.  It can be used alone, or in combination with one of the other serums from our Derm SD line.  Rejuvenate helps combat pigmentation, blotchiness, and photodamage.  It’s a great anti-aging addition to any regimen.

Revision Finishing Touch-  Finishing Touch is a  microdermabrasion facial scrub that gently exfoliates your skin.  It’s exfoliating properties are derived from black volcanic sand and ultra-fine pumice.  Finishing Touch leaves your face feeling clean and smooth.

Derm SD Deep Cleanse

Derm SD Deep Cleanse

 Derm SD Rejuvenate

Derm SD Rejuvenate

Revision Finishing Touch

Revision Finishing Touch

To see our full line of products, stop by the office.  Can’t make it into the office?  No problem!  We can ship all of our products directly to your home or office.

Spring Cleaning… For Your Skin!

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

You’ve got out the spring cleaning equipment… don’t forget the laser!

This spring, clean up your skin.  Eliminate brown spots that make skin looked aged with the Qs Alexandrite laser.  For the average patient, one to two treatments result in dramatic results!  Alex laser treatment for brown spots is an easy, effective way to fight back against photodamage!

And with our gorgeous San Diego weather, don’t forget the sunscreen!!

Before treatment with Qs Alexandrite laser

Before treatment with Qs Alexandrite laser

After one treatment with Qs Alexandrite laser

After one treatment with Qs Alexandrite laser

Ban on Tanning Beds

Monday, November 28th, 2011

California’s governor has signed into effect SB 246, which bans the use of tanning beds by anyone under the age of 18- making California the first state to pass such a law.  The bill was the result of efforts by the California Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery and the Aim at Melanoma Foundation, and had the support of many other groups.  The law won’t take effect until January 1, 2012 and will ban minors from using indoor tanning beds, with the exception of phototherapy prescribed by a doctor.  Research has shown that use of indoor tanning beds has a direct correlation with an increased risk in melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers.  


Coffee and Skin Cancer

Thursday, October 27th, 2011

9502coffee_beanWho doesn’t love a good cup of coffee to get their day started… or maybe 2 or 3 cups of coffee? Downside to drinking that much coffee? It may discolor your pearly whites. Upside? Research has linked coffee to a decreased risk in skin cancer, specifically basal cell carcinoma.

As reported on The Los Angeles Times (10/25, Brown) “Booster Shots” blog, The Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-Up Study followed a combined total of 112,897 people over the span of 24 years. Their data showed that “women who drank more than three cups of coffee had a 20% reduction in risk for basal cell carcinoma.”  They also found that men “benefited from a 9% reduction in risk of this type of skin cancer” when they drank three or more cups of joe per day WebMD (10/25, Warner).

Mere coincidence?  The researchers also found that “drinking decaffeinated coffee did not have any effect on skin cancer risk…”  So is caffeine the skin cancer fighting ingredient?  To answer that question, the researchers are now “looking into whether caffeine should be added to sunscreen to increase its effectiveness against skin cancer” WebMD (10/25, Warner).

So… when you’re walking out the door in the morning, remember to slather on the SPF and grab that cup of java!

Skin Protection From Grapes??!!

Monday, August 29th, 2011

flavonoidsGrapes can be a delicious snack to your healthy diet, and they could potentially help your skin.  An article in the UK’s Daily Mail reports that “grapes could protect against skin cancer and prevent premature ageing.” 

The study, conducted by scientists at the University of Barcelona and the Spanish National Research Council, found that grapes- more specifically, flavonoids found in grapes, may have skin protecting benefits.  The scientist found that the flavonoids “protect cells from the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun…”

Grapes aren’t just for the produce aisle anymore!  In light of this new research, you may soon be able to find them in the skincare aisle as well!!

To read the article in it’s entirety, click on the following link: