Acne is one of the most common conditions we treat, but you might be surprised who is seeking treatment. Most of our acne patients fall into two categories: teenage boys and women in their 20’s to 30’s. The common misconception is that women will “grow out of it” when they hit their twenties, however more often than that tends to be the age when many women begin to notice breakouts.
It’s important to have a good skin care regimen when dealing with acne. In addition to topical and oral medications that can be prescribed by your dermatologist, we offer the following recommendations for acne prone patients:
DermSD Deep Cleanse- The soap that you use to wash your body just isn’t gonna cut it when it comes to your face, especially when you’re battling breakouts! We recommend Deep Cleanse, an all natural facial cleanser free of parabens and petrochemicals.
DermSD Clarity- Clarity is an all natural acne and oily skin serum that decreases oil production and works to clear up and restore healthy skin. Phoshpatidylcholine, one of the key ingredients in Clarity, allows prescription topicals to better penetrate the skin, increasing the efficacy of the topicals.
DermSD Recover- Leftover red marks are commonly associated with breakouts. All natural Recover helps to resolve redness more quickly and calms inflamed, irritated skin.
Revision Hydrating Serum- Even acneic patients need moisturization. It may seem counter intuitive- if I have oily skin, why would I want to add to my oiliness by using moisturizer? If skin becomes too dry, it over compensates by producing more oil. In order to keep a healthy balance, we offer Revision Hydrating Serum. The Hydrating Serum is 100% oil free, is ultra lightweight and instantly absorbs into the skin.
To learn more about these, or any of the products we carry visit our website: dermsd


After; a good skin care regimen plays a large part in improving acne breakouts