Can Basal Cell Carcinoma Be a Chronic Problem?

ABCDSNew research is indicating that basal cell carcinoma(BCC), the most common type of skin cancer, may be a chronic condition.

The Journal of Investigative Dermatology reported on a six year study which examined patients with a history of BCC.  The study found that basal cell carcinoma appeared to be a chronic disease for those patients diagnosed.  The study also showed that a major risk factor for BCC was “high sun exposure before the age of 30.”

Because we live in such a sunny environment, we recommend yearly skin checks for the average patient.  If you have a history of skin cancer, twice a year skin checks are recommended.  Also, keep in mind the ABCD’s of skin cancer detection:

A: Asymmetry- make sure one half of the mole doesn’t look different than the other half

B: Border- make sure the border of the mole isn’t ragged, notched or blurred

C: Color- make sure the mole is uniform in color

D: Diameter- make sure the mole is not larger than the size of a pencil eraser

If there’s ever a question, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist for a skin cancer screening.  To learn more, visit our website: San Diego Dermatology & Laser Surgery