Skin Tightening and Lifting With Ultherapy

Introducing Ulthera, the first and ONLY device approved by the FDA to tighten and lift lax skin.  Call our office today to learn more!

Before Ulthera


After one treatment with Ulthera

After one Ultherapy treatment



After one treatment with Ulthera

After one Ultherapy treatment



After one treatment with Ulthera

After one Ultherapy treatment

For the first time ever, “Ultherapy” allows us to direct sound waves deep under the skin to the tissue that would otherwise need to be addressed in surgery. The tissue heats up, resulting in lifted, tighter skin without disrupting the skin’s surface. The Ulthera also promotes the creation of new collagen, which helps the skin maintain its youthfulness.

Learn more about Ultherapy. Contact us today and we will be happy to answer any questions you have.

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