Zeltiq has officially been approved by the Food and Drug Administration as a “body contouring device.” Zeltiq, or cryolypolisis, destroys fat cells by freezing them so that your body can excrete them naturally. Over the course of several months, patients will notice the problem areas that were treated with Zeltiq will be diminished. Zeltiq is also effective at improving imperfections (such as rippling on an abdomen) caused as a result of traditional lipo. The major benefits of non-invasive body contouring with Zeltiq: the skin is not opened, no excision is necessary, which means no unsightly scar and no risk of infection. Plus, no need for general anesthesia.
So what does FDA approval mean for the Zeltiq procedure? Patients that may have been skeptical about the procedure may now feel more comfortable receiving treatment, or even asking their doctor if they’re a good candidate for Zeltiq. To learn more about Zeltiq, please follow this link to our website.

photo courtesy of Zeltiq

photo courtesy of Zeltiq