Laser Treatment of Acne

A series of Clear + Brilliant® treatments can leave your skin feeling smoother, younger-looking and give you that “radiant glow.” Clear + Brilliant®works by creating hundreds of thousands of microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of the skin, which replaces damaged skin with healthy looking tissue and yields younger-looking skin. Treatment is quick and downtime is minimal.

BLU-U Blue Light

The BLU-U light device targets "porphyrins" within the P. acnes bacteria associated with inflammatory acne. With this treatment the bacteria are killed and the acne is improved leaving the surrounding skin unaffected. Treatments are repeated once or twice per week for eight to 12 sessions. Research has shown a significant portion of patients will improve within the first few months of treatment. This treatment is incredibly safe and easy and entirely painless. The patient sits with the light device around the body area to be treated for 8-16 minutes with a bright light shining directly on the skin surface. There is usually no aftercare necessary and little if any downtime.

The BLU-U treatment may be significantly enhanced by the addition of the Levulan kerastick to the treatment protocol. This process, called Photodynamic Therapy", or "ALA/PDT", involves using the topical photosensitizer Levulan (5-aminolevulinic acid) to activate the wavelength of light. This naturally occurring compound is absorbed by oil glands and with proper light activation minimizes pore size, decreases acne and may even reduce some acne scars.

The Levulan process involves the application of this topical solution to the face (or whatever area is to be treated) which makes the acne more sensitive to light. This compound is left in place for 30 minutes up to an hour or more in most cases and then the light therapy is begun. Most patients will experience some mild redness and swelling after treatment and slight stinging. All patients must completely avoid ultraviolet light exposure for a solid 24-48 hours after treatment. Repeat treatment sessions may be performed every few weeks until optimal effect is reached.

VBeam Laser

VBeam laser is the most effective laser for treating unwanted redness. VBeam is used to treat rosacea, noticeable capillaries, cherry angiomas, port wine stain birthmarks and general redness on the face, neck and virtually anywhere on the body. VBeam is extremely safe and very effective. Typically, patients require a series of 3-4 treatments, and may elect to do a yearly maintenance treatment to keep redness at bay. Downtime is very minimal. Some patients experience minor swelling and redness after treatment.


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